Daily Whois Database @ 4999
Looking for Daily Whois Database of Newly Registered Domains? Access over 05 days worth of newly registered domains with daily whois database – updated daily.

Whois Database features
Daily Updated Excel Sheet
We provide daily fresh update in every
24 hours download of our daily WHOIS database in CSV format.
Full List of All Domains
You will receive the WHOIS record of all daily registered domain names we have monitored in 24 hours.
Previous 5 Days Data
In total, you will get access to the daily whois data of all the registered domain names that were registered within last 5 days.
1500+ Domain Extensions
We have most all registered domain names. We collect daily new domains from the zone data files of the registry.
100+ Countries Data
You will receive WHOIS records based on the domain registrants country like India, US, Australia etc.
Accurate database
We provide 100% same database as public Whois provide. We only parse to make it easy usable.
Daily Whois Database | Registered Domain @ Rs 4999

Newly Registered Domains
Every month over Millions of domains are registered. You will receive bulk list of whois records around the world with extension like .com, .net, .org, .us, .in, .site, .co, .org.in, .co.uk, .co.us, .tech, .online, .shop, .biz, .link, .club, .ai, .top, .dev, .click, .info, .name, .firm, .business, .ca, .internet, .pro, .travel, .cn, .edu, .eu, .cc, .bz, .mobi, .ws, .asia, .tel, .xxx, .chat, .media, .fish, .farm, .computer, .digital, .fitness, .cafe, .mba, .plus, .expert, .clinic, .surgery, .tax, .fund, .buzz, .bid, .ink, .host, .credit, .global, .sexy, .fit, .sale etc.Daily Whois support all type ccTLD, TLD, Newly Registered Domains, and Recently Expiring Domains and world’s most domains available.
Country Specific Daily Whois Database
United States, India, Canada, UAE, Singapore, Australia, China, Japan, Argentina, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Bahamas, Canada, New Zealand, Azerbaijan, Aruba, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Barbados, Fiji, Georgia, Tunisia, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Libya, Brazil, Bolivia, Denmark, Croatia, Hong Kong, Ghana, Norway, Morocco, Sweden, Seychelles, Namibia, Maldives, South Africa, Turkey, Egypt, Moldova, Mexico, The Czech Republic, Taiwan, Ukraine, Thailand, Uruguay, Mauritius, Gambia, Dominica, Philippines, Macedonia, Russia etc…

Customize Daily WHOIS Database
We also Provide Customize Daily WHOIS Database. Our downloaded Whois database contain partial or complete historic information of domain, which can be customized as per your business needs. If you are looking for a customized daily whois database, please let us know and we will make it for you. Daily Whois Database is divided into the groups on TLD Specific, Country Specific, Privacy Removed & Full Database. Based on domain owner’s country, a database is generated categorized by country names. We also provide customize whois data as per you business needs. To request a custom database or if you still have any questions, please contact us at info@dailywhois.com.Full Daily Whois Database
This plan includes full daily Whois database. Data updated every day
- Updated Daily
- Excel Downloadable file
- Domain Created Date & Expiry Date
- Registrant Information
- Country, TLD, Registrar
- Like; Name, Number, Email Etc